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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ASOL Mission Statement

The Atlanta Solidarity Network seeks to defend both workers and tenants in the Greater Atlanta area against economic exploitation.

We are passionately committed to ensuring the integrity and well-being of the working people, a class with which most of us in the network identify. We have no tolerance for businesses that union bust, discriminate across gender/sexual orientation/race lines, or pay their employees anything less than a living wage. We have no tolerance for anyone having to settle for substandard living conditions or suffering the constant fear of eviction. Of course, what we take to be intolerable is terribly widespread.

We thus recognize the need for direct action, and we have no time to fret over the trivial inconveniences that the ruling class may experience in the fight for social justice. We are not violent, but we are not acquiescent. We do not speak the jaded language of our oppressors--we will impose a new discourse. We do not operate under the anti-humanist set of practices of our oppressors--we will impose a new way of living.

We advocate horizontally organized workers councils, and we will push as far as we can to reach this objective. We advocate a world without slumlords—a world without rich landowners amassing more wealth simply by sitting on the wealth they've already stolen from us. We will push as far as we can for affordable housing and egalitarian living communities.

The Atlanta Solidarity Network desires to be inclusive as possible, so long as potential members and affiliates understand both the radical and dire nature of our goals. Aside from direct action tactics and demonstrations, we desire help in the ways of education, community building and legal council. The Atlanta Solidarity Network expects to grow rapidly, in both strength and numbers.

There is a specter haunting Atlanta.